
Showing posts from September, 2020

Health Benefits of Angelica

  Benefits of Angelica:- Angelica is a widely cultivated, scented, northern European herb with fleshy, spindle-shaped roots, an erect stalk, and many greenish-yellow flowers arranged in an umbrella-like shape. The seeds are oblong and off-white. It is similar to and sometimes confused with the extremely toxic water hemlock, Cicuta maculata.  There are several recognized varieties of A. archangelica, wild and cultivated. In the US, Angelica atropurpurea often is cultivated in place of the European species. The oil has been used medicinally to stimulate gastric secretion and treat gas, and to topically treat rheumatic and skin disorders.  The Ayurvedic medical system suggests angelica for CNS effects. Angelica root, root powder, essential oil, and liquid extracts made from the herb are prepared and used traditionally. Angelica may have applications in treating epilepsy and anxiety; however, clinical trials are lacking to support therapeutic applications. Antioxidant activity has also bee

Benefits of Stevia

  Stevia plant:- The plant is originally native to Paraguay and Brazil but is now also grown in Japan and Asia . It is used as a non-nutritive sweetener and herbal supplement . With its steviol glycoside extracts having up to 200 times the sweetness of sugar,stevia has garnered attention with the rise in demand for low-carbohydrate , low-sugar food alternatives. Because stevia has a negligible effect on blood glucose , it is attractive as a natural sweetener to people on carbohydrate -controlled diets. Diabetes:- Research has shown that stevia sweeteners do not contribute calories or  carbohydrates  to the diet. They have also demonstrated no effect on blood glucose  or  insulin  response.  This allows people with diabetes to eat a wider variety of foods and comply with a healthful meal plan and one of these studies, subjects with  type two diabetes  reported that stevia triggered significant reductions in blood glucose and glucagon response after a meal.  Glucagon is a

Benefits of Khus

  Khus(vattiveru):- Khus also known as poppy seeds are an annual herb with the thick waxy stem . The seeds are tiny and hard with a western variety in slate blue colour while Indian one in creamy off-white . Khus is found in a capsule-like fruit which is used widely as an herb and also used while cooking. The poppy seeds (Khus) are cultivated in India, Russia , the Mediterranean region, Japan , China , Argentina and more. These seeds are rich in calcium , phosphorus , potassium , magnesium , carbohydrates , proteins and sodium . Khas has a lot of health benefits , so check them out. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects that provide relief from inflammations in circulatory system and nervous system . Khus khus is used to create a tonic bath , which is the reason why it is often included in high quality soaps . It is a boon for individuals suffering from rheumatism , arthritis , gout, muscular aches, dryness and cracking of skin etc. The oil obtained from khus khu

Benefits of Rosemary

  Rosemary:- Rosemary is the great reviver . This perennial woody herb stimulates energy and optimism and sharpens memory and concentration by bringing more oxygen to your brain , according to UMMC. It’s a wonderfully stimulating alternative to caffeine when you need that second wind! A row of these long-lived and drought-tolerant plant s makes a beautiful, bee-friendly, evergreen hedge. You may only need one plant in your garden, as a little bit goes a long way. Benefits:- Rosemary is a rich source of antioxidants  and anti-inflammatory compounds, which are thought to help boost the immune system and improve blood circulation . Rosemary is considered a cognitive stimulant and can help improve memory performance and quality. It is also known to boost alertness , intelligence , and focus. The aroma of rosemary has been linked to improving mood , clearing the mind, and relieving stress in those with chronic anxiety or stress hormone imbalances. The oil of rosemary has been kno

Benefits of Great Burdock

  Great Burdock:- Burdock is a plant. The root is sometimes used as  food . The root, leaf, and seed are used to make medicine . People take burdock to increase urine  flow, kill germs , reduce fever , and purify their blood . It is also used to treat colds ,  cancer,  anorexia nervous,  gastrointestinal  complaints,  joint pain , gout,  bladder infections , complications of syphilis, and skin conditions including acne and psoriasis. Burdock is also used for high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries and liver disease. It requires moist soil and can grow shade less. The great burdock is the pretty famous in the area of detoxification in both Chinese and Western herbal medicine. The root is is used to treat toxic overload that result in throat infections and skin diseases like : boils,  rashes,  burns, bruises herpes,  eczema , acne impetigo,  ringworm , bites The leaves and seeds can be crushed to poultice it to bruises, burns, ulcers and sores Breast cancer . Early resear

Benefits of Marsh Mallow

  Marsh Mallow Plant:- The plant of which marshmallows were once made of. The root is taken internally to treat : inflammations and irritations of the urinary and respiratory mucus membranes counter excess stomach acid peptic ulceration gastritis Externally, the root is applied to :- bruises, sprains aching muscles insect bites skin inflammations , splinters The leaves are very edible, unlike the aloe vera . They can be added to salads, boiled , or fried. It is known to help out in the area of cystitis and frequent urination .

Benefits of Thyme

  Thyme plant:- Thyme is an herb from the mint family that you probably recognize from your spice set . But it’s so much more than an after-thought ingredient. Its range of use is impressive , and it has over 300 subspecies. Ancient Egyptians used it in their embalming practices, while ancient Greeks used it as incense. Getting all the vitamins your body needs every day can be challenging. Luckily, thyme is packed with vitamin C and is also a good source of vitamin A . If you feel a cold coming on, thyme can help get you back in good health . Thyme is touted as a natural treatment for an almost encyclopedic array of unrelated health conditions, including: Acne Anxiety Arthritis  Bad breath Bronchitis  Colds Cold sores Colic Cough Dementia Dermatitis Diarrhea  Difficulty urinating Ear infections Flatulence Gingivitis Hair loss Laryngitis Liver dysfunction Menstrual cramps Oral thrush Premenstrual syndrome  Sciatica Sore throat  Thyme has long been used as a home remedy for cough

Benefits of Vitex Negundo

  Vitex Negundo plant:- Vitex negundo  is an evergreen medicinal deciduous shrub. It is native to India and also found growing in Bangladesh , China, Philippines , Sri Lanka , and Japan . It is usually grown as  fencing  for agriculture lands as well as the house. The leaves are used as  bio pesticide and insecticide . The leaves are dried and kept with woolen clothes to repel  insects . The smoke from the leaves is used as a  mosquito   repellent . Commonly known as the five-leaved chaste tree, is a large aromatic shrub with quadrangular, densely whitish, tomentose branch-lets. Key therapeutic benefits:-  Because of its anti-inflammatory , antibacterial and anti fungal properties, the plant is useful in treating sores and skin infections.  Five-Leaved Chaste Tree relieves muscle aches and joint pains .  The herb is effective in treating vaginal discharge. Vitex agnus castus  is a popular treatment for the management of female reproductive disorders including corpus lute um i

Benefits of Costus

  Costus:- Costus is an herb. The root and oil from the root are used to make medicine. Costus igneus , commonly known as insulin plant in India, belongs to the family Costaceae. Consumption of the leaves are believed to lower blood glucose levels , and diabetics who consumed the leaves of this plant did report a fall in their blood glucose levels. Costus root is used for treating worm infections . Costus oil is used for  asthma, cough, gas , and severe intestinal diseases such as dysentery and cholera. It is also used as a tonic and to stimulate digestion. In   foods and beverages, costus oil is used as a flavoring component. The fresh leaves of this plant is chewed two times daily for 1 week after 1 week, 1 leaf should be chewed twice a day this dosage should be continued for 1 month. It is said that this treatment is effective in bringing blood sugar levels under control in diabetes patients . In manufacturing, costus oil is used as a  fixative and fragrance in cosmetics. W

Benefits of Calendula

Calendula Benefits:- It grows in almost any type of soil condition. It has no problem with nutritionally poor, very acidic or very alkaline soils, just as long as it’s moist. Well known as a remedy for skin problems , the deep-orange flowered pot marigold variety is applied externally. Assists with Digestive and Immune System:-  Calendula can remedy external wounds and burns, it also soothes internal wounds and burns like ulcers , heartburn or irritable bowel syndrome. It has a protective effect for the stomach that improves digestion by repairing the gut wall while relieving discomfort in the meantime. Reducing Scarring:- One of the prominent Calendula benefits is its ability to reduce scarring when used to treat wounds. The Calendula properties that benefit wound healing apply to the scarring process as well. Calendula increases blood flow to the injury, promotes a speedy and healthy healing process, free of infection , and encourages growth of healthy new tissue.  Heals Wounds:

Benefits of The Great Yellow Gentian

The Great Yellow Gentian:- The great yellow gentian root is a bitter herb used to treat digestive disorders and states of exhaustion from chronic diseases. It stimulates the liver , gal bladder , and digestive system , strengthening the overall human body. Internally, it is taken to treat  liver complaints indigestion gastric infections anorexia In addition to the benefits of bitters for digestive health , research shows that gentian ingredients can loosen blocked mucus from the airways. For this reason, root extracts are also used to treat inflammation of the nose , throat and bronchi , such as sinusitis . In monastic medicine and   klosterheilkunde , yellow gentian is mainly used to treat mild cases of fatigue, weight, anaemia and lack of appetite in convalescence, fever, gout, malaria , intestinal parasites and alcoholism . The subterranean plant parts of the gentian are used. The root of the gentian is medically effective. It contains so-called secoiridoid bitter substances,

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