Health Benefits of Angelica

  Benefits of Angelica:- Angelica is a widely cultivated, scented, northern European herb with fleshy, spindle-shaped roots, an erect stalk, and many greenish-yellow flowers arranged in an umbrella-like shape. The seeds are oblong and off-white. It is similar to and sometimes confused with the extremely toxic water hemlock, Cicuta maculata.  There are several recognized varieties of A. archangelica, wild and cultivated. In the US, Angelica atropurpurea often is cultivated in place of the European species. The oil has been used medicinally to stimulate gastric secretion and treat gas, and to topically treat rheumatic and skin disorders.  The Ayurvedic medical system suggests angelica for CNS effects. Angelica root, root powder, essential oil, and liquid extracts made from the herb are prepared and used traditionally. Angelica may have applications in treating epilepsy and anxiety; however, clinical trials are lacking to support therapeutic applications. Antioxidant activity has also bee

Health Benefits of Shatavari

 Shatavari Benefits:-

Shatavari possesses traditional importance in the Hindu religion, known as ‘Queen of herbs’ due to its peculiar nature of promoting love and devotion. This powerful herb was first mentioned in Rig Veda and Atharva Veda. Shatavari herb is used as a powerful aphrodisiac and tonic  for thousands of years in India.

In Ayurveda, Shatavari herb is perceived as a female tonic since it is a rejuvenating herb. It plays a crucial role in the physiological events of women’s life. From female infertility to pregnancy and from menarche to menopause Shatavari benefits are astounding of which managing the reproductive health of women is major.

According to Ayurveda, Shatavari boosts immunity due to its Rasayana (rejuvenating) property and helps in weight gain due to its Balya property.
Shatavari powder can be taken along with milk or honey twice a day to get relief from the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.
Applying Shatavari powder paste along with milk or honey on the skin helps to get rid of wrinkles. It can also help promote wound healing when applied along with coconut oil.

Benefits of Shatavari

  • Anti-inflammatory (reduces edema)
  • Antioxidant (help in fighting against free-radicals).
  • Anti-anxiety effects (balances hormones)
  • Anti-tubercular
  • Anti-epileptic
  • Boosts Immune System
  • Facilitates treatment of diarrhea
  • Cough relief
  • Helps in the treatment of ulcers  stomach, small intestine problems
  • Helps in the treatment of kidney stones by preventing the formation of oxalate stones
  • Recommended for patients having blood sugar as it lowers blood sugar levels.

Uses of Shatavari

It is traditionally used for Premenstrual syndrome and sexual illness.

It helps in strengthening the female reproductive system and thereby resolves infertility related problems.

Intake of Shatavari powder improves the production of breast milk in lactating women.

Shatavari is very effective in preventing gas formation in the alimentary canal which further reduces the abdominal distension.

It is traditionally used in the treatment of arthritis, diarrhea, edema, chronic and common fevers.

Shatavari has shown its potency in the long-term treatment of diabetes, cough, and abdominal ulcers.

It helps in the relaxation of cardiac systems and this is necessary for patients suffering from arrhythmias and palpitations.

It helps to decrease cholesterol levels in the blood and reduces lipid accumulation, which prevents the chances of heart attacks.


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